
DSC_0131_cropRien – your administrator / webmaster

Rien Willems is the webmaster of this web site, particularly with the GP results and information.
Also he’s doing the maintenance of the website, gives all the results directly from the GP’s.

Born in 1960 and living in Sint Anthonis, Netherlands (famous from the “motorcross of aces” in the 60’s and 70’s).
Visiting motor races since I was born (with my dad). Raced solo, was a passenger and mechanic for several sidecar teams. Besides Sidecar-Cross, I’m interested in photography and computers.

scottfaceScott – the owner

Scott Whitney is the owner of the web site, but he’s slowly passing on responsibilities to Rien.
We both appreciate the contributions of many others around the world as well.

Thanks also to all the drivers and passengers who make this sport super exciting to watch.

Since Rien is running the web site, please contact him with the form below.

To contact us, you can use the form below.
Please  use your name and your email adress, otherwise we can’t reply.

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